Products On Show

DAY 1: Flodraulic’s Hybrid System Gateway delivers effective drive, control and cooling component management

Flodraulic is highlighting its Hybrid System Gateway (HSG), a central subsystem interface for controlling all drive, control and cooling components in high-voltage electrified mobile machines.

The HSG enables high-voltage components – such as the inverter, battery and supercapacitor – to be connected easily, ensuring safe energy and power management. The solution can also handle different control functions and acts as a simplified ECU CAN interface.

Flodraulic’s system can be used in a range of different modes and system architectures, including in single or tandem mode, as a master or slave, and at a multi HV level with a separate DC link, and for pre-charging. Compact by design, the HSG has a maximum 300kW input and a maximum 1,000V DC input.

“The goal of our Hybrid System Gateway is to make the process of electrifying a machine easier and faster,” explained Chris Passmore, director of technologies at Flodraulic Controls. “One box, one connection point.”

To learn more about Flodraulic’s products, visit Booth 1325.

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