Speaker Details

Raphael Grech Spirent Communications

Raphael Grech

Dr Raphael Grech is a distinguished technical strategist specializing in positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) for connected autonomous mobility. He provides strategic market analysis, technical leadership and business development for emerging PNT technologies. Additionally, he drives collaborative research activities with over 40 universities worldwide. Dr Grech’s main areas of expertise include connected and autonomous vehicles, advanced robotics, computer vision, ML and AI. He holds a degree in electrical and electronics engineering, an MPhil in mobile robot control and a PhD in multi-robot vision and perception. He is a UK chartered engineer and an IET member.


Achieving industrial autonomy through realistic testing

The realization of a future of autonomous industrial vehicles hinges on the development of robust PNT (position navigation timing) systems that can operate reliably in challenging environments. The expectation of reliable position and time information through GNSS, irrespective of the environment, becomes challenging in tunnels, canyons and environments with changing physical properties (such as open-pit mines) due to signal obscuration, multipathing and man-made and natural RF interference. The development of such robust PNT systems can only be achieved if paired with reliable test and validation data to understand and optimize how the device will perform in the real world.